

Biasanya nasi tumpeng disuguhkan pada saat merayakan sesuatu, entah untuk perayaan ulang tahun, 17 Agustus-an ato tujuh bulanan ibu yang sedang hamil. Kali ini gue lagi pengen aja bikin nasi tumpeng, ga ada perayaan khusus kok, cuma lagi pengen aja. Sebenernya dari minggu lalu uda pengen bikin ini, tapi ke pending terus, tar males-lah, ketemu resep laen yang lebih menarik lah....ada aja deh alesannya :). Nah, makanya kali ini gue membulatkan hati untuk bener2 bikin nasi tumpeng.

Nasi tumpeng gue sih simple banget, lauknya juga ga gitu banyak, cuma 3 lauk tok. Dan dengan peralatan seadanya (gue kagak punya cetakan nasi tumpeng booo...), akhirnya jadi lah nasi tumpeng ala Belzy's Kitchen :).

Nasi tumpeng ala Belzy's Kitchen terdiri dari:
1. Nasi Kuning
2. Urap Sayuran
3. Udang Goreng Tepung
4. Sambal Goreng Ayam

Nah, ada sedikit cerita nih di balik pembuatan urap sayuran. Ga tau apa karena daon salam yang uda expired (gue lupa liat expired datenya kapan :)), ato gue kasih air asem nya yang kebanyakan yah, kok kelapanya agak2 getir gitu :( hikssss......akhirnya urap sayuran nya kagak ke-makan deh, bisa sih kalo mau soalnya rasa getirnya masih ketutup kalo dimakan dengan sayur2annya. Tapi gue yang udah ga napsu gitu liat nya :(.

Hubby gue sih suka banget ama ni tumpeng, lebih-lebih nasi kuning dan sambal goreng ayam nya (ini sih modifikasi dari gue aja, soalnya hubby gue ga suka ati ampla ayam). Gue kagak suguhin si urap sayuran nya soalnya gue yakin banget dia ga bakalan doyan :).

Posting kali ini gue share resep nasi kuningnya dulu yah, yang laennya nyusul :). Gue cuma bikin 1/2 resep dari resep asli yang gue dapet-in dari wikibooks. (resep yang gue posting di bawah ini resep full)

Nasi Kuning

1 liter beras
1/4 liter santan (Belzy -- gue tambahin santan nya jadi 350 cc)
1 sendok makan kunyit, parut, rebus dengan 50 cc air, saring (Belzy -- gue pake kunyit bubuk yang dicampur air panas)
2 lembar daun pandan, dikoyak, ikat
2 lembar daun salam
1 batang sereh
1 sendok makan garam
1 sendok teh air jeruk nipis

Cara Membuat:
Campur santan dengan air kunyit, daun pandan, daun salam, sereh, dan garam, didihkan.
Kukus beras sampai setengah matang, lalu letakkan dalam panci, tuangi santan mendidih sambil diaduk hingga santan habis terserap.
Beri air jeruk nipis, aduk rata, lalu kukus kembali sampai matang.



Ekado....hmmm, who don't know ekado, one kind of menu from Hoka Hoka Bento (Hokben). I think, all Indonesian people would know Hokben :).
When I was in Indonesia, I liked eat at Hokben, the rice is very good and my fave dish is ekado :). Ekado is chicken with quail's egg wrapped in beancurd........mmmmm yummm yummm....
Then, I found the recipe of ekado from the internet, but I forgot who posted the recipe :(. Anyway, I thank to that person who shared ekado recipe already ;).
So, let's eatttttttt.............

Kembang tahu kering, rendam air hingga lunak, potong 10×10 cm (saya pake kembang tahu lembaran jadi tidak perlu di rendam air dahulu)
Minyak goreng
10 butir telur puyuh, rebus, kupas
Isi, aduk rata:
150 g udang kupas cincang
100 g daging ayam cincang
1 sdm tepung kanji
1/2 sdt minyak wijen
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam

Cara membuat:
· Ambil selembar kembang tahu, isi dengan 1 sdm adonan Isi, beri 1 butir telur puyuh. Bulatkan dan ikat kembang tahu dengan benang.
· Goreng dalam minyak panas dan banyak hingga kuning kecokelatan.
· Angkat dan tiriskan.
· Sajikan hangat dengan sambal ekado.Untuk 10 buah
Sambal Ekado
5 sdm saus tomat
2 sdm saus cabai
3 sdm mayonnaise
2 sdm air jeruk nipis
2 sdm gula pasir
½ st garam halus

Cara membuat: aduk semua bahan jadi satu.



Hainan rice, also known as chicken rice is a good choice if you don't want a troublesome cook but tasty. This is became one of my fave food beside fish soup when I was in Singapore. I remember, at lunch time I liked to order either chicken rice or fish soup and my ex-colleagues knew my menu already :).

Oh ya, an information for you guys, the best chicken rice I ever ate in Singapore is Five Stars Chicken Rice. They have several stalls islandwide, but the one that I used to eat is at EastCoast area ;).

The recipe that I got from Esther's Blog is really good, though I add more chicken broth cos I like softer rice.
Are you tempted already to try it? ;)

Hainan / Chicken Rice

For The Chicken:
4 pieces of chicken thighs,
3 teaspoons of salt,
3 thin slices of ginger,
9 cups of water,
3 teaspoons of sesame oil,
2 teaspoons of oyster sauce

For The Rice:
3 cups of rice (wash it only once to keep the vitamins),
3 teaspoons of minced ginger,
3 teaspoons of minced garlic,
5 teaspoons of sesame oil,
5 teaspoons of fish sauce,
1/2 tsp pepper

For The Soup:
a pinch of preserved vegetable (Tong Cai),
1 stem of scallions (cut into thin slices) ,
a few stem of cilantro (just pick the leaves)

For The Chicken:
Marinate the 4 pieces chicken thighs with salt and leave for 15 minutes, then boil it in the water and add the thin slices ginger. Wait until the chickens are cook then take the chickens out of the pot and put it aside (separate from the broth). Shred the chicken then mix it with sesame oil and oyster sauce.

For The Rice:
Steam rice for about 20 minutes or half cooked. Meanwhile, heat up a pan, put in the sesame oil, then the minced ginger, stir fry for 30 seconds under high heat, then put in the minced garlic. Lastly, put in the steamed rice then stir fry until all the other ingredients mixed well. Next, put in the mixed rice into a rice cooker and add 5-1/2 cups of chicken broth (From cooking the chicken earlier), then let it cook like regular rice.

For The Soup:
Heat up the left over chicken broth and add the preserved vegetable. Let the soup boil then put it into a serving bowl and add the cut scallion and cilantro leaves.



When I was in elementary school, there was abang2 who sold fried finger foods in front of our school. So, once in a week I never forget to buy this fried snacks :). There were risol, pastel, tofu, vegies fritter, etc and it cost 100 rupiahs for each of finger foods (goshh....so cheap huh!!).

And since then, those snacks were became my fave snacks. As we know, once we are out of Indonesia, it means we can't find those snacks on the market, but it doesn't mean we can't enjoy it :). Yeap.....we make it by ourselves. The only thing a little bit hard when we make fried pastel is the pastel's skin, we have to know the right ingredients to make the skin stay crunchy after fried. So, I called my sister in law and asked her the recipe of fried pastel.

So, why are we wait too long time? Let's enjoy fried pastel :)

Pastel Goreng
250 gram all-purpose flour
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp margarine
100 cc water

250 gram ground beef
4 pieces of carrots, diced
4 pieces of potatoes, diced
100 gram long green beans, cut into small form (same size with the carrot and potato)
50 gram mung bean noodle, soaked in the water and cut
3 eggs, boiled and cut into 8 pieces
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Combine all ingredient except water. Pour water gradually until it form into dough. Take 10 grams dough, roll it with rolling pin with 2 mm thickness. Cut it using a pastry cutter or little bowl. Do it until all the dough used up.

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a skillet, stir fry garlic until fragrant. Stir in ground beef, stirred until the beef cooked well. Stir in carrot and potatoes, stirred well until both are tender (if they are too dry, please add one or two tbsp water). Add in long green beans, stirred well. Stir in mung bean noodle, salt and pepper. Turn off the heat, dish it out and cool it down before ready to use.

Fried Pastel:
Spoon 1 - 2 tablespoonfuls filling and 1 piece of boiled egg onto the middle of the pastel's skin. Fold it into two and stick the edge with your finger, then form it into spiral form (the edge) until it formed like a rope.
Heat oil in a skillet with medium heat, fry pastel until golden brown. Turn the heat off, dish it out and serve it hot with chilli paddy, if desired.



Akhirnya bisa ikutan juga Masbar kali ini :). Sebenernya udah pengen ikutan dari Masbar bulan Mei kemaren, tapi berhubung waktu itu menu nya ayam, dan saat itu gue lagi istirahat makan ayam, so gue ga bisa ikutan deee...padahal udah nanya bolak balik ke Deetha... (huehehehe sori dori mori ya Deet, waktu itu uda nanya dengan penuh semangat, ehhh kagak ikutan :))

Nah, pas baca menu untuk bulan ini sayur nusantara, cepet2 deh mikir mo bikin apaan, berhubung uda lama banget kagak pernah makan gado-gado, gue putusin untuk bikin ini aja secara siapa sih yang ga kenal ama gado-gado :).

Buat resep, mungkin udah banyak orang yang tau yah cara bikin gado-gado. Pas bikin ini, gue sih bikin kagak berdasarkan resep, jadi mbayangin gado-gado deket rumah di Jakarta dulu. Gado-gadonya muantebbbb banget. TOP deh pokoke.

Untuk ibu2 pengurus Masbar, inilah gado gado dari dapur aye :)....

Gado Gado

Saus Kacang:
350 gram kacang tanah
5 buah cabai rawit merah (kalo mau lebih pedes, ditambahin aja cabai nya)
150 cc air asam jawa
100 gram gula jawa (ini juga kalo suka manis, boleh ditambahin gula nya)
Garam secukupnya

Sayur Pelengkap:
100 gram tahu, potong dadu, goreng
150 gram kol, iris kasar
100 gram kacang panjang, potong sepanjang korek api
100 gram labu siam, potong bentuk korek api
150 gram bayam, ambil daunnya saja
4 buah kentang rebus, iris bulat-bulat
4 buah telor rebus, iris bulat-bulat
Kerupuk udang secukupnya
Nasi secukupnya

Cara Membuat:
Saus Kacang:
1. Goreng kacang tanah dengan api sedang (hati2 jangan sampai kelamaan gorengnya, nanti bumbu kacangnya jadi pahit), sampai berwarna kecoklatan. Keringkan dari minyak, lalu ulek hingga halus. Masukkan gula jawa, ulek hingga halus dan tercampur rata. Sisihkan
2. Ulek cabai rawit dan garam hingga halus, campurkan ke dalam adonan kacang, aduk rata. Tambahkan air asam, aduk hingga saus kacang menjadi kental. Sisihkan.

Sayur Pelengkap:
Rebus bayam, labu siam, kacang panjang, kol dan goreng tahu. Tata semua sayur pelengkap di atas piring saji. Siram dengan saus kacang. Sajikan dengan kerupuk udang dan nasi hangat.



Gosh......I've been so lazy to update this blog. It's been three days I never update this blog. Actually, today I am a bit lazy also, but I forced myself to write some and share another delicious recipe :).

Ok then, make the story short, I got the recipe from Resep Mami. It tasted good, sour mixed with salty and spicy. Few months ago, I made it with fish, and honestly, chicken has better taste than fish (for this dish).

Here we go......Ayam Cabe Kering

Ayam Cabe Kering

5 tbsp vegetable oil
400 gram chicken fillet, cubed
10 pieces of red chilli pepper
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
4 cloves of garlic, thinly chopped
10 gram ginger, crushed
1 stalk of spring onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp corn starch, mix it with water

120 gram raw sugar
5 tbsp light soy sauce
2-1/2 tbsp salty soy sauce
3 tbsp oyster sauce
5 tbsp chinese black vinegar
5 tbsp tomato sauce
4 tbsp rice vinegar
40 cc water

Sauce: combine all ingredients, mix it until mixed through, set aside
Heat oil in a skillet, stir in chicken fillet, stir fried. Heat the oil from frying the chicken, then stir inred chilli pepper, stirred in until the color changed.
Add in sesame oil, garlic, ginger and spring onion, cook it until fragrant.
Add in chicken fried and sauce mixture, bring to simmered.
Add in mixed cornstarch, stir until the water is thicken.
Dish it out. Ready to serve.



It's been long time ago I got this recipe from Ayin's blog, but I never make it. And today....is the day to try it ;). Honestly, this is my first time eat carrot cake (western's version). Before, the carrot cake that I had was chinese carrot cake. Huh? What is that? Western? Chinese? Are they different? Yeap....they are very different things. You can find chinese carrot cake in Singapore. There are plenty of stalls which are selling this dish.

Chinese carrot cake is fried and you can choose white carrot cake or black carrot cake which are black carrot cake using additional soy sauce. And some of the stalls are selling it with oyster or shrimp. Then, what western carrot cake looks like? Western carrot cake that I made today is really a cake and it baked. Both are have different taste and texture.

This time I tried western carrot cake, but next time, I will try chinese carrot cake ;). I think, it is good for your little one if they won't eat vegies.

Carrot Cake

150 gram raw sugar
125 gram palm sugar
250 gram all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
300 gram carrot, shredded
1 tsp lemon peel
175 ml vegetable oil
3 eggs

Preheat the oven 350`F (180C). Prepare a baking pan and grease it with butter and flour. Set aside.

In a big bowl, mix all ingredients until mixed through. Mixer is needn't, you can use spatula or wisker. Shift the batter onto prepared baking pan. Bake for 30 minutes or until baked well.
Dish it out, let it cool down before you cut it into square form. Use garnish if desired (I used chocolate garnish).



Still from Seafood Recipes @ Sisca Soewitomo, I served Gulai udang for our dinner. Gulai udang or Shrimp with Coconut Milk is shrimp cooked with coconut milk and some herbs that used in Indonesian dishes only (South East Asian Countries). It is a bit spicy. The taste is good, especially if you eat it with warm rice.....mmmm yummmmm......
Now, let's eat ;)....

Gulai Udang

500 gram shrimp, peeled and deveined
3 tbsp lime juice
1 stalk of lemongrass, crushed
2 cm ginger, crushed
2 cm galangal, crushed
4 pieces of kaffir lime leaves
400 ml coconut milk from one coconut.
2 tbsp vegetable oil

Spice Paste:
10 piece red chilli paddy
5 cloves of shallots
5 cloves of garlic,
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsps salt
1 tsp pepper

Rinse and drained shrimps. Marinate the shrimp with lime juice for 15 minutes.
Heat oil in a skillet with high heat. Stir in the spice paste until fragrant. Stir in kaffir lime leaves, galangal, ginger, lemongrass and coconut milk, bring to simmered.
Shift the shrimp into the boiling spice coconut milk, cook it until the shrimp cooked through and the spice absorbed. Turn off the heat and dish it out.
Ready to serve.



Actually, it was my few days ago dessert, but I able to post it today :).
Kolak pisang is a dessert from Indonesia. It is definitely Indonesian style and Indonesian taste. It is sweet and better eat it when its cold. Usually, I keep it in fridge first before I eat it.

In Indonesia, at fasting time, you can find kolak pisang everywhere, because mostly, those who are fasting, they will eat desserts when they "buka puasa".
It's been more than 2 yrs I didn't eat kolak pisang, so when there is opportunity to make it, I didn't think twice ;). Plus, I found plaintain banana at international market nearby my home.

Unfortunately, my hubby, as a western, he dislike it :(. He ate one time only ..... hikss......soooo guess what? I am the only one who ate all......bleahhhhhhh..........now, I guess for the next few months, I will not bother making kolak pisang :).

So, here you go the recipe of kolak pisang ubi.....

Kolak Pisang Ubi

4 pieces of plaintain banana, cut into big chunk
2 cans of atap seed, cut into half
1 pieces of yam, diced
150 gram palm sugar (or brown sugar)
100 ml coconut milk
1 liter water
1/2 tsp salt
2 pieces of pandan leaves, knotted

Melt sugar with 100 ml water in a saucepan, then filter it. Set aside
Simmered water, coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves. Add in palm sugar mixture, banana and yam, boil until the banana and yam are tender. Add in atap seed, boil until boiled through. Turn off the heat, dish it out. After it cooled down, keep it in refrigerator or you can add ice block when you eat it.



A simple and delicious dish. What is that? Aha.....it is Chicken Plum Glaze. That is my dinner menu today. Its simple and easy plus the taste is good. I will not talk too much this time, just let's eat it ;).

Chicken Plum Glaze

3 pieces of chicken fillet

1 tsp salt
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp pepper
1 egg
3 tbsp tapioca starch
1 tsp sugar

Sauce (mix well):
2 tbsp plum sauce
2 tbsp Thai chilli sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp Chinese rice vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
6 tbsp water

Rinse the chicken fillet, drained and cut into small pieces (cubed), season with the marinade. Marinate for about 30 minutes. Deep-fry into hot oil until cooked or golden browned and crispy. Set aside.
Cook the sauce mixture until boiling, add in prefried chicken cubes. Stirring constantly over high heat until the sauce is slightly absorbed, and the chicken cubes are well coated with sauce. Dish up and serve.



It's been long time I want to bake potato doughnut that I got the recipe from NCC, and today I did it! Since I am not a big fan of sweets so this doughnut is not my fave one. Probably, I should to reduce the sugar, cos I spread the sweet choco glaze on top of the doughnut which is sweet already. But, my hubby liked it so much. Heezzz...he really has sweet teeth :).
For those who likes sweets, you can try this :).

Potato Doughnut with Choco Glaze

500 gram all-purpose flour
50 gram milk powder
11 gram instant yeast
200 gram potato, steamed, mashed and cool it down
100 gram sugar
75 gram margarine
1/2 tsp salt
4 egg yolks
100 ml cold water

In a big bowl, mix flour, sugar, milk powder and instant yeast, mixed well.
Add in mashed potato, egg yolk and cold water, mixed through and half elastic.
Pour in salt and margarine, mixed until elastic and didn't stick on your hand. Let it rest for 15 minutes.
Divide the dough with each dough weighed 50 gram, rounded. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest for 25 minutes or until doubled in size.
Make a hole in the middle of the doughnut, fry it with medium heat until golden browned. Dish it out. Spread choco glaze on top of every doughnut.

Choco Glaze:
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate bars
3 tablespoons butter
2 cups sifted powdered sugar (I substituted it to brown sugar)
6 tablespoons water

Melt chocolate and butter in the steamer. Add sugar gradually. Add water until consistency is thin for glazing.
Use immediately to drip or spoon over raised doughnuts or keep warm until needed.



I can't wait too long time to share this recipe. But, first of all, let me tell you the story behind this food.

Few days ago, my hubby and I went to an all-you-can-eat sushi & seafood buffet. BUFFET?? yeeaaaa....that was cool, the foods are not bad at all, the sushi is good as well. Then, I found this food in hot entrees' area, it left few pieces of shrimp only, so I grabbed it all ;). You know what, it tasted so good. For me, it was a star on that day, compared another hot entrees, honey walnut shrimp is the best, from the taste and the texture.

But,......oo.....the bad news is my hubby got food poisoning after ate at the buffet :(.......the whole night until the next day, he felt really unwell. He got headache and his stomach was pain. He can't sleep good that night. He told me that he felt like want to vomit but he can't. Oh my God, that night became a horrible night for both of us, I can't sleep also because I looked after him. It was scary since we don't know what is wrong with him. Then, we figured it out, that he ate raw mussels which are I didn't eat. Probably, he can't eat raw meat or the mussels were not fresh.
Luckily, now he is ok....phewwwww........

Today, I choosed honey walnut shrimp as our dinner, andddddd........it is soooo good....yummmm.......hubby gave the same comment that it tasted good :). I found lots of recipes of honey walnut shrimp, I mixed those recipes by adding and minus the ingredients ;).

For those who likes shrimp, you have to try this recipe. It is really T.O.P dish ;)

Honey Walnut Shrimp

1 lb of large or medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
3 cups water
3 tbsps white sugar
1/2 cup walnuts (or pecans)
4 egg whites
2/3 cup glutinous rice flour (you can use corn starch as well)
3 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsps honey
1 tbsp canned sweetened condensed milk (I substituted it to 2 tbsp milk powder + 1 tbsp granulated sugar)
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
2-1/2 cups vegetable oil for frying

Stir together the water and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and add the walnuts. Boil for 2 minutes, then drain and place walnuts on a cookie sheet to dry.
Heat the oil until almost smoking, then deep fry walnuts until they're shiny and brown, no longer golden.Place walnuts on cookie sheet, let cool.
Whip egg whites in a medium bowl until foamy. Stir in the glutinous rice flour until it has a pasty consistency. Heat the oil in a heavy deep skillet over medium-high heat. Dip shrimp into the batter, and then fry in the hot oil until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
In a medium serving bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, lemon juice, honey and sweetened condensed milk (me -- milk mixture instead of sweetened condensed milk). Add shrimp and toss to coat with the sauce. Sprinkle the candied walnuts on top and serve.



Haaaaa.....this is a very simple and easy food. Not only as savory rice's gravy, but also, it is good for a finger food as well. It made from potato. Usually, I will add minced meat in it, but this time I made it from pure potato and scallions only, cos I was thinking that we had enough meat for our savory rice. It still tasted good though I didn't add any meat in it. Do u wanna some? .... ;)


400 gram potato, peeled, sliced
4 stalks of scallions, finely chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 piece of egg
500 ml vegetable oil

Fry potatoes in a big pan with medium heat, fried until golden browned or fried through.
Crush the fried potato with mortar & pestle, crushed until pasted.
Add in scallions, salt, pepper and egg, mixed well.
Take 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls potato mixture, and form it into oval form.
Heat oil in a pan with medium heat. Fry perkedel one by one until golden browned.
Dish it out. Ready to serve.



Continuing my yesterday's theme is the gravy of savory rice, so today I am going to share telor balado's recipe. This dish was one of four "gravy" dishes of my savory rice meal set.

It is definitely Indonesian dish because of the herbs that used and the taste. It tasted spicy and from the color you can tell it is a spicy food :). But don't worry, if you dislike spicy you can add more tomato sauce instead of chilli paddy.

Usually, when I don't want cook savory rice, sometimes I like to cook telor balado (balado egg) and eat it with white rice. It still good eat it without savory rice. Do you wanna try? ;)
So, let's grab your eggs ......

Telor Balado
10 pieces of egg, boiled and peeled
2 pieces of tomato, cut into big chunks
50 ml water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp chilli sauce
500 ml vegetable oil

Spice Paste:
5 cloves of shallot
5 cloves of garlic
15 pieces of red chilli paddy (if you dislike too spicy, you can reduce it)

Fry eggs until golden browned. Set aside.
Heat oil in a pan, stir fry spice paste until fragrant. Stir in tomato, salt, pepper, sugar, tomato sauce, chilli sauce and water, bring to simmered. Stir in boiled egg, stirred until the spice paste is absorbed or thick. Turn off the heat. Dish it out.
Ready to serve.



Mmmmm.....hmmmm........talking about savory rice means we are talking about our willingness to spend several hours of the day in the kitchen. Why? Because we have to cook at least 4 dishes, exclude the savory rice itself, as the "gravy".

Now, it's story telling time.....hehehehe.....(is this foodie blog or story blog :)). As we know, for Malaysian and Singaporean this meal set known as Nasi Lemak, but in Indonesia, we called it Nasi Uduk, and both have different serving style. For nasi lemak, it served with lots of choices of meat and vegies (incl. fried chicken wing, fried egg, long green bean stir fried, etc), but nasi uduk served with fried vermicelli, fried tempe, fried shrimp chilli, balado egg.

The rice itself has a special fragrant, cos it was cooked with coconut milk and pandan leaf (yeayyy......at last, I found pandan leaves at Asian Market few days ago ;)).

Myself, I served nasi uduk together with :
1. Sambal Goreng Buncis (fried green bean chilli)
4. Rendang Ayam (chicken rendang)
Actually, I planned to fry shrimp crackers as well, but, it was forgotten cos I am too tired :(.......
Anyway, the good thing is my hubby loved it so much. He likes the rice, cos it has different fragrance than normal rice.
So, now let me share my savory rice with you ;). This theme will be continue for next few days, as I will post the savory rice recipe only today.
Ough.....about the recipe, really forgive me cos I forgot I got from whom this recipe cos I got it quite long time ago :(

Nasi Uduk / Savory Rice

500 gram uncooked rice
600 cc coconut milk
1/2 tbsp salt
2 pieces of bay leaves
2 pieces of pandan leaves, knotted
1 tsp ground coriander

Rinse and steam rice for 25 minutes or half cooked.
Simmered coconut milk together with salt, bay leaves, pandan leaves and coriander.
Shift the rice to a big pan, then pour boiling coconut milk. Stir it with low heat until the coconut milk absorbed.
Shift it back to steamer, steam until steamed well (about 40 minutes)
Ready to serve.



Yeaaaa......still in our main menu of the week......CHICKEN.......soooo, Indonesian Food Style is became my great intention for this week.
Actually I had cooked this food few months ago, and this time is my second time cooked Ayam Bumbu Rujak. As another Indonesian dishes, this one is tasted spicy and using more than one herbs. And because of I don't have any red chilli at the moment, so I did a tricky way, I combined green chilli with chilli sauce, so at the end, my ayam bumbu rujak still looked red :).
Unfortunately, it is a little bit too spicy for my hubby, though he told me he can eat it, but I can see his lips and face are became so red....(oughhh so sorry dear....).
So, do u dare to try how spicy it is? ;)

Ayam Bumbu Rujak

4 pieces of chicken thighs
500 ml vegetable oil
2 piece of tomato
2 pieces of bay leaves
1 stalk of lemongrass, smashed
1 inch of galangal, smashed
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Spice Paste:
5 cloves of shallot
5 cloves of garlic
5 pieces of candlenut
5 pieces of red chilli pepper, finely minced (I substituted to 5 pieces of green chilli pepper + 2 tbsp chilli sauce)

Rinse chicken and drained, sprinkle it with salt and pepper, fry it until fried through.
Heat oil in a pan, stir fry spice paste until fragrant. Stir in chicken and remaining herbs, stir fried well until the spices absorbed.
Turn off the heat and dish it out. Ready to serve.



Hooooo....since this whole week my main menus are chicken, so I started find recipes for chicken from websites, also, I looked into my recipe's files. Ahaaa........I found the recipe of Ayam Bakar Solo (Solo Grilled Chicken). I remember, few months ago I made this food already, but that time my hubby dislike it cos its kinda sweet. So, this time I reduced the sugar, and I substituted some ingredients. Andddd..........it tasted better than last time (yeaaaa.....might be cos we are not a fan of sweet, so less sweet is better than too sweet :)).
So, let's try how's the taste of my Ayam Bakar Solo @ Belzy's Kitchen.....

Ayam Bakar Solo

4 pieces of chicken thighs
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 pieces of bay leaves
2 stems of lemongrass, smashed
5 tbsp palm sugar (I substituted it to 3 tbsp raw sugar, but it is ok to use brown sugar as well)
6 tbsp sweet soy sauce
3 tbsp tamarind juice
500 ml young coconut juice (or water + 3 tbsp honey; I substituted it to water only)
400 ml thick coconut milk

Spice Paste Ingredients:
10 cloves of shallots
6 cloves of garlic
2 cm turmeric (I substituted to 1 tsp turmeric powder)
2 cm fresh ginger
1-1/2 tsp ground coriander
2 cm galangal

Heat oil in a pan, stir fry spice paste until fragrant. Stir in chicken and remaining ingredients, stir well until the spices become sticky.
Turn heat off and let the chicken soaked in the spices over night, keep the chicken in the fridge until you want to grill it.
Grill chickens on the bbq grill (I used oven) until the chicken is cooked well. Don't forget to brush the chicken with the remaining spices.
Serve it hot.



Our snack for today is Gyoza. This is my first time make gyoza, after all these times I only bought it at Japanese Restaurant. To me, gyoza is same as kuo tie, the way they cooked are same. It wasn't hard at all. Normally, gyoza made from pork but I made it from chicken (yeaaa.....chicken menus of the week ;)).
Now, hurry go to Asian market and buy gyoza wrapper and let's make it! :)


1/3 cup chopped cabbage (boiled)
2 stalks of scallion, chopped
1/2 pound ground chicken
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsps soysauce
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 pack of gyoza wrappers
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 egg white
1 tbsp tapioca starch

In large bowl combine scallions, cabbage, ginger, garlic and pork.
Mix well with a fork and season with salt. Add egg white and tapioca starch to bind mixture together.
Place a spoonful of meat mixture on top of a wonton wrapper. Wet edge of wrapper with fingertips, make pleats on one side, fold over and seal closed. Continue with remaining meat.
In large skillet heat oil. Brown dumplings in oil on one side. When bottoms are brown and crispy, add ¼ cup water. Cover pan and steam over medium heat for 8 - 10 minutes, until dumplings are cooked through. Serve with dipping sauce (See dipping sauce recipe below).

Gyoza Dipping Sauce:
2 tbsp sesame seed oil
1 tbsp brown sugar (or raw sugar)
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
2 tsp fresh minced ginger
1 tbsp finely chopped scallions
50 cc water
In a small pot stir teriyaki sauce, water and brown sugar over med-low heat until sugar melts. Stir in ginger and sesame oil and bring to a simmer. Take off heat. Pour into a sauce bowl and sprinkle with scallions. Serve with gyoza.



It's been long time I didn't eat martabak telor with the cucumber relish....mmm yummmmm.....
Near my home at Jakarta, there are a famous martabak stall, they sell sweet martabak and egg martabak, both are tasted good. My family and I became their "long time" customer, and of cos not only me and my family because everytime we bought their martabak, we had to queue....heezzzz.... The special thing from this stall (named Martabak Asli Bandung) is they are not stingy with the filling, either sweet martabak or egg martabak (heez....just talking about it made me swallow my own saliva).
Since this week will become my "chicken menus" so, by "mix and match" from few recipes, I made my own egg martabak.....anddddd......my the one and only customer (my hubby ;)) liked it so much......
While I am eating it, I can't stop smiling....one bite of egg martabak followed by one bite of cucumber relish.......yummmmmmmmmm...........Do you wanna some? ;)

Martabak Telor

500 gram chicken, boiled, finely minced
1 tsp ground cumin
2-3 pieces of carrots, shredded (optional)
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
10 stalks of scallions, finely minced
5 eggs
1 pack of spring roll wrapper

Mix all ingredients, except wrapper, mixed well.
Place one wrapper on a flat plate, scope 1-2 tablespoonfuls filling in the middle of the wrapper. Fold it into center directions.
Heat oil in a pan with medium heat. Fry martabak one by one until brown color. Dish it out, and serve it with cucumber relish.

Cucumber Relish:
1 piece of cucumber, diced
4 cloves of shallots, peeled
10 pieces of chilli paddy
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp sugar
1 piece of lime, squeezed
150 cc drinking water

Mix all ingredients, mixed well. Keep it in refrigerator before serving.



I often cook this food, besides it is easy to make, also it tasted good. I got the recipe from Esther. Actually, that day I am looking for Hainan Rice recipe, but then I found Phi Pha Tofu recipe. Based on her, this food is from a Chinese restaurant at San Francisco. From the name, its unusual name, that's why it made me wondering how's the taste....then at last I am kinda addicted with this food :). Normally, I ate it with gravy, but without gravy its still tasted good. I recommend this food to you to try ;).

Phi Pha Tofu

Fried Tofu:
1 pack of silken tofu
400 gr fish paste
150 gr peeled shrimp - cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon of oyster sauce
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
2 pieces of eggs
100 gr of tapioca starch
Vegetable oil for deep frying

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic
1 pack of enoki mushroom (I substituted it to shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoot)
2 cups of chicken broth/water
2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
Mix of 1/4 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of tapioca starch

1. Mix all ingredients together until well blended, then deep fry to a size of an egg until it turns golden. You can eat it like this without the enoki gravy.
2. For the gravy, heat up a pan, put in the vegetable oil, stir fry the minced garlic until golden. Then put in the enoki mushroom (or shitake mushroom and bamboo shoot), chicken broth/water, oyster sauce, salt and pepper. Wait until boils, then add in the mix of water and tapioca starch to get the gravy thicken. Stir until all ingredients blend well and the gravy boils. Then pour on top of the arranged Phi Pha Tofu. Ready to serve.



This time, I only cooked a very simple food.......(haaaa...weekend is my lazy day ;)). So, I cooked my last pack of prawn and asparagus for our dinner today. For the recipe...hoooo don't ask where I got it, cos this is my experiment to cook asparagus (hahahaha, this is my first time cooking asparagus, and also my hubby's first experience eating asparagus....is that so weird, he never eat asparagus before? haaaaa...). The taste is not bad, cos I baked it with butter, so it gave a special fragrant to the asparagus. Do you wanna try? ;)

Asparagus Prawn Sauce

400 gram asparagus
200 gram white shrimp/prawns, shelled
1 tbsp tapioca starch mixed with 2 tbsp water
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 tsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp butter
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1½ tbsp vegetable oil
Preheat oven 325 degree F. Place the asparagus on an alumunium foil, spread the butter on the asparagus and sparkling it with garlic. Fold the alumunium foil until the asparagus are all covered. Bake it.
Place wok on medium heat and pour in the oil. When it is hot, put in the garlic and saute. When it has yellowed, add the shrimp/prawns, turn up the heat and stir-fry on high heat. When nearly done, turn down the heat.
Season with the asparagus broth from the baking, oyster sauce, pepper and soy sauce. Turn up the heat and when the liquid comes to a boil, pour in some of the tapioca flour-water mixture to thicken the sauce. Then pour it on top of the baked asparagus and serve.



Back to 9 years ago when I was studied in China, there are plenty of bao zi (bahasa: bak pao). Near my apartment, there are lots of little shops which are sold bao zi, and it was really cheap!! One bao zi only cost me 50 cents yuan (price at that time). So, I always bought 10 bao zi after I came back from school (oupssss.........so greedy huh!! :))

There are two kind of bao zi, rou bao (read: meat pao) and cai bao (read: vegie pao), both are tasted good, but I prefer cai bao than rou bao. Cai bao made from chinese chives, and rou bao made from pork or chicken.

So, today I made rou bao, but my rou bao made from tuna....hahahaaha.....a bit weird huh, but it tasted not bad. My hubby liked it so much, he ate 12 bao zi!!! He asked me to make bao zi with vegie and meat.....hmmmm good idea, I would make it next week ;).

Anyway, I got the recipe from my dim sum recipes book from Sisca Soewitomo. For the filling, I modified a bit by added kaffir lime leaves and substituted the chicken to tuna. And I mixed whole wheat flour with all-purpose flour.
So, here you are....Tuna Bao from Belzy's Kitchen... Enjoy!

Tuna Bao / Bakpao Tuna
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp sesame oil
4 cloves garlic, finely minced
4 cans tuna
5 pieces shiitake, soaked, diced
2 pieces kaffir lime leaves
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tbsp minced spring onion
1 tbsp corn starch, mixed with water

Batter A:
300 gram all-purpose flour
1 tsp instant yeast
175 ml water

Batter B:
100 gram all-purpose flour
100 gram whole wheat flour
100 gram granulated sugar (I used 75 gram only)
1 tsp baking powder
100 ml water
50 gram white butter

Filling: heat vegetable oil and sesame oil in a pan. Stir fry garlic until fragrant. Add in tuna, shiitake mushroom, spring onion, kaffir lime leaves, oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce, salt and pepper, stir fried well. Add in corn starch, stirred until sticky. Dish it out. Set aside.
Batter A: mix all-purpose flour, instant yeast and water, mixed until the batter doesn't stick on your hand. Let it rest for 1 1/2 hours. (cover the bowl with plastic)

Batter B: mix flours, sugar and baking powder, mixed well. Add in water, mixed well. Shifted batter A and white butter into batter B, mixed well until the batter doesn't stick on your hand.

Roll the batter into oval form. Cut into 12 pieces, rounded. Let it rest for 10 more minutes.

Roll one piece of batter, rolled it with a roller pin. Scope 1-2 teaspoonfuls filling and form it into bao zi form. Place it onto parchment paper. Let it rest for 15 minutes.

Steam it for 10 minutes until steamed well. Dish it out. Ready to serve.