I saw ddukbokkie *hot and spicy korean rice cake* in the Korean drama series for the first time. It looks good, but at that time I didn't know what is that. Then, two years ago when I passed the food courts at Bugis Junction, I saw this hot and spicy korean rice cake. Of course without think twice I bought it. But, after the first bite, I am really dissapointed :(. Because it didn't taste good :(.
Few days ago I saw ddukbokkie recipe at maangchi.com. I guess I will give a shot to make it. Guess what? It tasted really good!! Absolutely different taste than the one I bought before. I love it love it love it!! I guess Maangchi's recipe is the best recipe for Korean food :).
For Korean food lovers, you have to try this recipe. The recipe is highly recommended! :)
Ddukbokkie (Hot and Spicy Korean Rice Cake)
1 package (450 gr) rice cake
4 cups water
3 tbsps small dried anchovies
6 tbsps hot pepper paste (Belzy - use 4 tbsps if you dislike to spicy)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp hot pepper flakes
6 stalks scallion, sliced
Boil water and dried anchovies in a pan for 10 minutes over medium heat.
Remove the anchovies and add hot pepper paste, sugar and hot pepper flakes. Stir it until the hot pepper paste is thoroughly mix in the water. Add the rice cakes. Stir it constantly. Add in green onions. Keep stirring until the sauce is thick and the rice cake is shiny. Serve it hot.
Cici saya juga suka bgt sama Ddukbokkie :). Kalo saya sendiri sih suka juga, tp gak sampe tergila-gila, masih lebih suka kwetiaw goreng, huahahaha...;D)!
ReplyDeleteAku belum coba tuh black vinegar nya krn aku sebenernya gak gitu suka minuman dgn rasa buah2an kecuali kalo jus asli ato milk-based. Hubby saya udah coba, kata dia sih lumayan. Mungkin nanti aku bakal coba dicampur sama susu.
@CG: iyaaaa bener sin, kalo dibandingin kwetiaw goreng sih masih enakan kwetiau goreng yak :). Kayaknya resep2 masakan korea di maangchi enak2 yah sin. Asli loh rasa ddukbokkie nya beda banget ama yang pernah aku beli dulu.
ReplyDeleteSi black vinegar itu bukan alkohol kan yah? Oiya sin, kamu punya facebook ga? kalo punya boleh aku add? ma kasih... :)
Rice cake itu ky apa sih? Sebelom dilumurin saos2nya? Maap.. aku kan kampungan :)
ReplyDelete@Tine: rice cake itu kayak gini tine, liat ke link ini yah: http://media.maangchi.com/wp-content/uploads/ingredients/ricecake-733361.jpg
ReplyDeleteTapi ada juga yah uda di potongin kecil2.
Ooo ky lontong ya? Dr bentuknya sih..
ReplyDelete@Tine: mmmm...lebi ke kwetiau sih tine, bentuknya emang mininya lontong :).
ReplyDeleteAje gileeee... Mantapsss, mau maaakkkk :D. Di Makang gak iso nemu teoknya hiks
ReplyDelete@Tata: hahahhah....iya taaaa enak nihhhhh :). Nti kalo mo nyoba bikin ginian, pake resep ini deh, ini resepnya maangchi, kimchi nya juga enak taaaa :).
ReplyDeleteSusah yak nyari rice cakenya?
wuih, penampilannya aja uda keliatan enak
ReplyDeleteapalagi rasanya nih...
Btw, I am passing you Versatile blogger award
please click in here
Hm, kayaknya bukan alkohol, cuma cuka item, tp aku belum coba sih sampe skrg. Eh iya, aku punya facebook, namanya 'Masak Masakan Yuk' - huahahaha, aku tau, namanya aneh ;).
ReplyDelete@Yenny: hahaahah rasanya asik yen :) huehehehe. Thank you yah yennnn buat awardnya. Daku pasang ahhh :)
ReplyDelete@CG: kali kayak jus buah aja kali yah sin. Jadi penasaran, nti daku mo nyari ah di sini :).
ReplyDeleteAsikkkk....aku add yah sin fb mu :)
hadoooh lom pernah makan, lom pernah denger lom pernah buat *norak abis ya aq...
ReplyDeleteenak ya? pedes?
bel, jd inget film2 korea...pd suka kan makan ginian? enk y? pedes?????
ReplyDelete@Elly: iya enak ini ly, pedes2 gitu. Ini yah enaknya dimakan pas baru jadi, kalo uda masuk kulkas kurang enak..
ReplyDelete@Sylvia: iye syl...gue pertama liat ini juga di film korea, trus ngiler bener kliatannya enak. Dan emang enak rasanya syl....kalo bahan2nya gampang di cari di jepang, cobain deh syl bikin ini, elo bisa jgua bikin ga gitu pedes, tapi tetep pedes sih buat anak2 mah.