Lately, I'm in love with Cooking Gallery's blog, because not only there are plenty of dim sum recipe *everything are all homemade, from the basic recipe til the advanced one*, also her buns are really cute!
I have lots of new recipe idea by seeing CG's blog. One of them was jiao zi, and kimchi and other korean recipes are in line still ;). When I saw this jiao zi recipe, it really brought back the old memories when I lived in China as a student 10 years ago.
However, there are loads of good food in China *tho some of them are too oily*. I remember, there were a shui jiao *chinese people called jiao zi* restaurant, and you need to be patient for the long lines there, especially at winter time. This restaurant has lots of kind of shui jiao with different filling. Usually, me and my ex bf ordered 5 kind of shui jiao and each kind came in 5 pieces. So, we ate 25 pieces of shui jiao *no wonder I gained few kilos there!*. No need to mention the black chinese vinegar with minced ginger and chilli oil as the condiments because those condiments are a MUST :). Without those condiments, the shui jiao will not as tasty as if you eat it with the condiments.
So, after my shui jiao was boiled, I ate it with memorizing those old days when I was in Nanjing, China.......what a day! :)
Spicy Pork and Onion Jiao Zi
300 gr all-purpose flour
1 cup (250 ml) boiling water
250 gr ground pork
3 stalks spring onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp rice wine
2 tbsps oyster sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp hot pepper powder
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp pepper
1/3 cup black chinese vinegar
1 tbsp minced ginger
3 tbsps chilli oil
For the wrapper: combine flour and boiling water, knead it until elastic and not sticky anymore. Shape it into long log. Cut it into small evenly pieces. Cover it with a kitchen towel to keep it moist.
For the filling: mix all ingredients until thoroughly mixed.
Finishing: take one piece of the wrapper dough, roll it as thin as possible. Scoope 1 spoonful filling, then fold the wrapper into jiao zi. You can go to this link to see the folding process.
Meanwhile, boil 1 liter water in a 5 quarter pan until boiling. Once it is boiled, dump all the jiao zi and boil it until the jiao zi is floating. Drain in from the water. Reserve the water for soup. Serve it hot with black chinese vinegar and chilli oil.
Anything with pork, steamed, with good skin and chili oil: YUMMY!!!!! *Suddenly, I wanna have dim sum*
ReplyDelete@Leony: yup....100% agree :).
ReplyDeleteHehehe..., makasih Belzy, aku dipuji-puji di sini, jadi malu (huahahah ayo getok pala gue ;)!). Aku mmg demen bgt sih makan dim sum, tp krn di Jerman yg namanya dim sum itu spt mencari jarum diantara pasir (ini perumpamaan betul gak ya, udah lupa, krn jaman sd nih bahas2 kayak ginian, hahaha), jadi kalo ngebet musti buat sendiri. Untungnya ada 1 resto yg dim sum nya enak, walaupun a la carte, jd gak se 'exciting' kalo makan dgn dim sum ladies + carts yg jln mondar-mandir sana sini.
ReplyDelete@CG: You're welcome dear! :). Terus berkarya masak masakan yang enak yah sin, biar daku bisa liat resep2nya...*ada udang di balik batu nih*. Lagian yah sin enakan bikin ndiri, lebi seru trus lebi puas makannya huehehehe :).
ReplyDeleteIyaaaaa....aduh jadi keinget di jakarta banyak bener dim sum all-u-can-eat. emang mantep yah kalo makan dim sum bisa mondar mandir gitu...lebi puas :).