

Who doesn't know pisang molen? I bet 100% of Indonesian people know this fried snack which is made of banana wrapped in flour dough. Usually, we bought it from a vendor so called 'abang gorengan' (or frying man?).

In Jakarta, there are plenty of 'abang gorengan' who sold all kind of fried foods, such as pisang goreng (or fried banana), bakwan goreng (vegie fritters), tahu goreng (fried tofu), singkong/ubi goreng (fried cassava/yam), and pisang molen.
The way of making the pisang molen's wrapper is really unique. You just cut the dough into strips (of course after you roll it), then wind it around the banana. Mostly we used small bananas rather than a normal size banana. But, some people (including me) are using the normal size banana then cut it into 3. From my experience, using small bananas are alot easier on the winding.

My hubby like it so much until he kept coming back to the kitchen when I am still frying it :).

Also, I want to submit it to Masbar Edisi Juli 2010.

Pisang Molen
Source: AGs Food

375 gr all-purpose flour
75 gr sugar powder
150 gr butter/margarine
150 cc water
2/3 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla powder
14 pieces small banana (Belzy -- I used del monte), peeled

In a big bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt and fanilla powder, mix well. Knead in butter. Pour water gradually while continuously kneading the dough.
Remove dough into a clean surface work. Roll the dough with rolling pin into 6 to 10mm thickness. Cut it into strips 1-inch wide. Then, winding each dough strips onto banana.
In a pan, deep fry the banana over medium high heat until golden brown. Serve it warm with a cup of hot tea...yummm..


  1. aih, bel...kirim donk ke mari
    abang2 bikin pisang molen mah kecil dan lapisan kulitnya tipis...kaga puas makannya

  2. Aku suka juga neh ama pisang molen gini, lebih suka daripada pisang molen Kartika Sari yg menurut aku terlalu berminyak

  3. @Yenny: huehehehee....boleh yen, potonya aje ye...wahahahaha :). Bikin yennn gampang kok ga susah bikin ini, pas bikin kulitnya juga ga susah. Oh iyaa ini kulitnya sedikit renyah nih yen.....hooh yah abang2 punya mah kecil2 yah...

  4. @Sylvia: iyaaa....enak yah syl pisang molen ini, rasanya jauh lebi ringan ketimbang molennya kartika sari. bikin sylll......:)

  5. hi.. mampir nih... rapi deh ngebungkus pisang molennya..

  6. @Vierly: wahhh...makasih uda di mampirin :). Thank you vier, sebelum ini gue juga perna bikin pisang molen, tapi setelah di goreng hasilnya malah ga kliatan lilitannya....kayaknya waktu itu ketipisan deh giling kulitnya.
