Why it called pig in the blanket? I guess, pig is the pork sausage and the blanket is the bread. The name is really cute right? Everytime I read it, my mind is always think of a cartoon movie title more than a sausage bread :).
I used homemade italian sausage for ms. piggy, and soft bread from NCC for the blanket. And, guess what? The taste is as good as the name too. Don't you trust me? Let's try it...;)
Roti Sosis (Pig In The Blanket)
500 gr bread flour
100 gr granulated sugar
100 gr butter
11 gr instant yeast
1/2 tsp bread improver (Belzy -- skipped)
4 egg yolk
300 ml cold water
1/2 tsp salt
6 pieces sausage
Egg Wash:
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp evaporated milk
By Hand:
Mix all dry ingredients, except salt until thoroughly mixed. Mix in 200ml cold water and egg yolks, mix and knead well. Knead in butter and salt until elastic. Shape dough into log, cut into six, then shape each dough into ball form, cover it with clingwrap or kitchen towel. Let it rest until double size.
Take one dough, and roll it with roller pin on a flat surface workplace, place 1 sausage on the edge of the dough, then roll it as log shape. Place the pig in the blanket on a greased baking sheet. Brush it with egg wash. Bake it at preheated oven (350F) until brown. Ready to serve.
By Standing Mixer:
Mix all dry ingredients, except salt until thoroughly mixed with spatula. Pour in 200ml cold water and egg yolks, mix it with hook attachment at speed 2 for about 1 minute, then add in butter and salt. Mix it until elastic and the dough doesn't stick at the bottom of mixer's bowl. Shape dough into log, cut into six, then shape each dough into ball form, cover it with clingwrap or kitchen towel. Let it rest until double size. The next steps are same as above.
Note: use the remaining water to soften the dough only.
In Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan :
500 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
100 gr gula
100 gr mentega
11 gr ragi instant
½ sdt bread improver
4 btr kuning telor
300 ml air es
½ sdt garam
Bahan Olesan:
1 kuning telur
1 sdm susu evaporated
Cara membuat:
Campur semua bahan kering, kecuali garam, aduk rata
Masukkan air 200ml dan telur, aduk dan uleni sampai rata.
Masukkan mentega dan garam, uleni lagi sampai kalis elastis.
Bentuk dough memanjang, lalu potong jadi 6 bagian, kemudian bulatkan. Tutup dengan clingwrap ato serbet, istirahatkan hingga mengembang 2 kali. Roll dough memanjang, lalu beri sosis, gulung. Olesi dengan egg wash. Panggang di oven yang sudah dipanasi dengan suhu 180C hingga matang. Sajikan.
Catatan: sisa air 100ml buat jaga-jaga aja kalau adonan kurang lembek tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit.
aih, keliatannya enak deh bel
ReplyDeleteitu ngulenin adonan pake tangan ya
berapa lama sih biasanya?
huehehehe......rotinya empukkk banget yen, cobain bikin deh. Kalo gue sih pas nguleninnya pake standing mixer, trus abis itu gue ulenin lagi pake tangan. Kalo ngulenin smuanya langsung pake tangan sih kira2 20-25 menit lah ya, pokoke sampe dough nya bener2 kalis/elastis gitu yen (elastisnya tuh kalo adonan di tarik, ga gampang robek).
ReplyDeleteCoba yennn...huehehehehe.....