It's been ages I want to make homemade sausage. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find sausage casing here *or I dunno where to buy it*, until few days ago, my hubby found it at a butcher store.
This is my second attempt to make homemade sausage. My first attempt, I used pork leg without casing. And, yesterday, I used pork butt with casing. For some reason, I like pork leg more than pork butt (the original recipe is using pork shoulder). The sausage texture is little bit different. Both are good tho :).
And for me there is nothing best than a homemade sausage :)
Italian Sausage
3 lbs pork shoulder, cut into 1-inch cubes (Belzy -- choose the pork with 85% fat to avoid dry sausage)
4 tsps crushed fennel
2 tsps ground coriander
2 tsps crushed red chilli flakes
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 tsps fresh ground blackpepper
Sausage casings
Toss together pork with spices and salt in a large bowl or ziplock bag. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Using a 1/4-inch meat grinder, grind the pork mixture. It's ready to use.
NOTE: if you use ground meat, combine the spices with 2 tbsps water first, then toss the ground meat with spices mixture.
gimana cara masukin daging ke casingnya?
ReplyDeleteAda alatnya tik, KA juga ada tuh attachmentnya, biasanya dia satu set ama grinder attachment. Kalo gue emang kebeneran punya meat grinder set tapi yang manual.
ReplyDeletekalo minta KA lagi gawat deh...hahaha...
ReplyDeletebiasanya gua uda beli daging yg diminced, btw meat grinder buat cincang daging kan?
huahaahahaha......gue juga demen bener ama attachments nya KA tapi mahal yakkkk...hihihihi.
ReplyDeleteIya tik meat grinder tuh yang buat cincang daging.
Elo pake ground meat aja tik, bisa juga kok, malah lebi ga ribet, tinggal campurin ama bumbu2nya trus marinade trus isiin deh ke casingnya.
Bel apa yg membuatnya Italian? hehehe penasaran. Gw demen tuh ada butiran biji cabe hahahah penggemar cabe otaknya ga jauh2 dr cabe.
ReplyDeletehahhaaah kagak tau gue, tapi di resepnya bilangnya ini italian sausage. Trus pas gue beli casingnya, dia ada menu2 sosis kan, nah salah satunya nama sosisnya tuh italian sausage, cuma gue ga liat modelnya pegimana....
ReplyDeleteIyeeee.....kali ini gue bikinnya kurang sedep nih, yang pertama kali tuh gue bikin yang tanpa casing lebi sedep...
Halo, salam kenal..
ReplyDeleteTertarik buat nyoba bikin juga nieh., tpi bingung sama ingredientsnya..
Mau tanya donk boleh?
Kosher salt sama crushed fennel itu apa ya?
Trus nyari dmana?
Sausages casing nya pke apa ya? Usus babi ato colagen?
@Email: hi :). oh kalo kosher salt sih pake aja garem biasa, ga terlalu pengaruh kok :). Dan kalo fennel tuh salah satu jenis herb gitu, texturenya keras2 gitu, coba deh google buat liat gambarnya. Belinya, coba cari di supermarket biasa di bagian bumbu2 asing. Kalo di supermarket biasa ga ada, mungkin harus nyari ke supermarket yagn khusus jual bahan2 asing kali yah? kayak ranch di jakarta gitu.
ReplyDeleteKalo aku sih pake casing nya yang usus babi :).