Got a chance to taste it last Thanksgiving when I visited my high school friend at SF. These cookies are really good!! It is crunchy yet chewy. My hubby and I liked this oatmeal cookies.
The preparation didn't take too long time, and it is not hard at all! I bet your little one will like it *my hubby and I liked it so much ;)*.
Choco Chips Oatmeal Cookies
2 sticks unsalted butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
3 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
Chocolate chips as much as you like
Preheat the oven at 300`F.
In a mixer bowl, combine butter and brown sugar, mix them over high speed until creamy.
Mix in eggs and vanilla, until the eggs are thoroughly mixed. Pour in flour, baking powder, cinnamon and oats, continue to mix with low speed (speed 1 or 2 if you use stand mixer). Add in chocolate chips and fold it evenly.
Grease the baking sheet, and fill the baking sheet with a spoonful of oatmeal batter. Bake it about 20 minutes and/or until the bottom of cookies are browned.
wadauuu...pesen sekantong...!
ReplyDeletemau yennn.......daku lempar sekantong yah skarang......*dapet ga yen uda dilempar nih*...hehehe
ReplyDeleteeh Bel 2 sticks butter kira2 berapa gram ya..trus kl gue pk self raising flour bisa ga?.. aduh mo coba buat kok nervous ya..maklum masih amatiran bgt wkwkkwkwk
ReplyDeletekalo 2 sticks butter itu skitar 200 gr butter la. Mmmm.....bisa kali yah pake self raising flour, cuma gue ga pernah sih la pake self raising flour. Kalo elo mo nyoba bikin pake self raising flour 1/2 resep aja dulu kali yah?
ReplyDeletesomehow yah bel, aku masih gak nangkep sampe sekarang kenapa kalo di barat, makan cookies tuh sambil minum susu.. bukannya cookies udah mayan manis gitu yah, kalo sama susu apa nggak eneg?
ReplyDelete*aku terkesan kayak orang indo super katrok hahaha*
hahaha....iyaaaaa, aku juga ampe skarang kagak pernah makan cookies sambil minum susu. Susu di sini sih emang kagak manis sih jen, jadi tawar gitu. Tapi tetep dah aku juga ga bisa loh makan cookies sambil minum susu. Kalo sambil minum teh sih lebih bisa :)
ReplyDeleteKalo orang sini uda kebiasaan kali yah dari kecil gitu mreka sblom tidur kan pada supper tuh, nah suppernya tuh cookies ama segelas susu...jadi buat mreka mah kagak enek kali yak...huehehe