My hubby loves mochi ice cream *kona coffee mochi ice cream to be precisely :)*. And all these times we liked to buy it at 99 ranch or any other asian market that sold this mochi ice cream.
And, since we have an ice cream maker, my hubby asked me, "why don't you make mochi ice cream for me?". His question gave me this idea.....homemade mochi ice cream!
So, I googled the original recipe of how to make mochi ice cream. And I found this recipe that I like to recommend it to all of you. Because, the ingredients and the methods are not too hard. Also, the mochi wrapper is really soft and it just like the one sold in the asian market!
Unfortunately, we have raspberry cheesecake ice cream only so the kona coffee mochi ice cream in line now ;).
For the way of cooking, I used on stove cooking instead of microwave, and its worked!! :). Please go to the original recipe if you want to use microwave.
Mochi Ice Cream
50 gr glutinous rice flour (or sweet rice powder or mochiko)
100 gr sugar
100 ml water
200 gr raspberry cheesecake ice cream, or any flavor as your desire (Belzy - make sure the ice cream is half frozen)
Cornstarch as needed
Place the glutinous rice flour, sugar in a saucepan. Pour gradually the water until it is mixed well.
Bring it simmer over medium heat. Keep stirring the flour mixture until the mixture turns into shiny and smooth sticky dough.
Spread generously cornstarch onto a cutting board (use plenty so the dough does not stick to the board).
Dip your wooden spoon in water then spread the mochi dough onto the floured cutting board as flat as possible. Sprinkle the top of the dough with corn starch then flip it over. Pull and stretch the edges and make the dough thinner as your desire, or 2 to 3 millimetres thin (Belzy - I don't like thin wrapper on my mochi ice cream). Let it cool a bit before cutting.
Meanwhile, scoope the ice cream with cookies scooper and shape it into a little ball shape. Place it on a plate, then freeze it while waiting you do your mochi wrapper.
Back to the mochi dough, cut the dough into round shape using round cookies mold.
Place an ice cream ball onto the center of the mochi sheet. Fold and joint the edges, then shape it with your hand into nice round mochi.
Put it in the freezer for 30 minutes or until the mochi is settled, but don't too long if you won't your mochi as hard as stone. Enjoy!
I tried making mochi (from this recipe) and it was a disaster! I wonder if your making it on the stove was the difference. :)
ReplyDeletedid you let the ice cream froze before wrapping it with the mochi sheet? Because, when I made this mochi, I let the ice cream sit a while in the freezer until half frozen before wrapping and after I shaped it with cookie scooper.
ReplyDeleteYou might making it on the stove, and would you please let me know if any difference between making it on the stove and microwave? :)
Uwaaaa.....Aku suka bgt sama mochi, tp yg plain. Kalo diisi sama ice cream kedengeran nya enak banget....Pengen nyoba, tp lagi rada males buat yg manis2. Tapi suatu saat pasti bakal aku coba. Thanks resep nya ya!!
ReplyDeleteThe ice cream was in the freezer for a couple hours before I tried scooping it out onto the mochi sheets. However, I think it may also have been that the ice cream was soft in general.
ReplyDelete@CG: iyaaa sin, emang mochi ice cream tuw enakkk :). Kita dulu seringnya beli jadi, cuma mahalll...hahahaha :)). Jadi nyoba2 bikin ndiri deh. Iya sin cobain deh bikin nti, kulit mochinya tuh pake resep ini enak lembut gitu.
ReplyDelete@Heather: ah...i see. I guess, the texture of the ice cream is really important to make a nice round mochi.
ReplyDeleteMine, the ice cream inside the mochi is cracked :(. Tho the taste is good, but I wish I can make the ice cream filling as smooth as the mochi which is sold at the market.
Eh itu tmpt mochinya lu beli baru atau pake bekas? Kl beli baru dimana Bel hehehehe
ReplyDelete@Tine: pake bekas tine :).
ReplyDeleteOooo eh kalo nemu tmpt gituan yg baru bilang yaaa hahah gw mikir, wah kl mo bikin mochi ice cream berarti gw musti beli yg benerannya dulu donk biar dpt kotaknya :)
ReplyDeleteBel, lu pulang Indo dah buka kursus, pasti g peserta pertama lu hehehe
ReplyDeleteG dah lama penasaran ama mochi es krim, kapan2 g contek yah... plus tanya2 hahaha
Anyway mochinya bagus ga ancur, n rasanya pasti enak :p ngiler dah g
@Tine: hahhaha sip kalo gue nemu gue kasih tau lo. Iya tine, kumpulin kotaknya dulu...hahahaahah berat di modal dah :).
ReplyDelete@Liza: huehehheeheheh.....buka kursus bikin mochi ice cream yah :). Bole juga tuwww huehehehe :).
ReplyDeleteMonggo liz kalo mo di contek resepnya, ini gue juga dapet kok dari blog orang...wahahahaha :)).
Iya liz, es krim nya itu harus lu freezer in, jadi kalo misalkan elo beli es krim jadi yah, elo scoope in dulu es krim nya bentuk bola2 kecil gitu, trus masukin lagi ke freezer liz, nah pas mochi sheet nya uda siap pake, baru deh es krimnya lu kluarin lagi, baru deh bentuknya bisa bagus. Emang agak tricky juga nih bikin mochi ice cream abis es krimnya cepet leleh euyy..
Anyway, thank you for the compliment liz :)
hi...pengen buat tp bingung hehe.. nanya ya.... sweet rice flour tu ap ya.. yg g tau cm tepung berasnya aj.. klo ada sweetny binun... bs bantu??
ReplyDeletethx btw ^^
Hi HisaO :).
ReplyDeleteSweet rice flour tuh sama ama glutinous rice flour (ato di indo suka bilangnya tepung ketan). Selamat mencoba yah :)
waaaaaaaa mochi ice cream, just like my blog name..pengen coba buat..
ReplyDeletetapiii huhuhu rada ga ngerti.
belzy ada terjemahan bahasa indo nya ga?
Belzy... Diriku baru saja mencoba buat. Dgn modal nekat.
ReplyDeleteAdonan mochi nya sih jadi. Tapi pas mau taro es krimnya,hancur lebur.. Hiks hiks
Es krimnya lumer cepet banget..belom direkatin ujung2 adonan mochinya,es krimnya dah meleleh. Huhuhuhuhu. Sedih.
Btw.buat rekatin adonan mochinya tuh gimana sih? Musti pake air ya?
@Aina: hai hai....walah aku telat nge reply yah, uda bikin duluan :).
ReplyDeleteMmm..kalo aku pas bikin yah, setelah es krimnya aku bentuk bulet2 (scoope pake scoope an cookies), aku masukin ke freezer lagi na. Nah pas adonan mochinya uda aku cetak bulet2, baru deh kluarin lagi si es krimnya. Jadi kagak lumer na.
Buat rekatin adonan mochinya pake aer anget, jadi dia lengket gitu.
thx belz... lom sempet buat nih...
ReplyDeletepas bgt aina nanya juga.. jadi lebih ngerti de..
@aina: omong2 pas buat pake es apa ya??
@HisaO: sama2 say :). Iya coba buat deh, ga terlalu susah sih, cuma kunci nya di es krimnya aja harus keras dulu.
ReplyDeletebelzy nanya dong... klo dari recipe km tuh jadi brapa mochi ya? ukurannya berapa.. soalnya pengen buat yg mini.. takutnya kebanyakan hehe.. mo buat percobaan dl.. klo ok mo jd valentine dessert hehe
ReplyDelete@HisaO: mmm....kalo ga salah sih jadi skitar 15 biji lah. Trus ukuran diameternya skitar 2.5 cm an. Wahhhh asikkk valentine pake mochi ice cream :). Iya enak loh mochi ice cream. Aku lagi pengen nyoba bikin yang kona coffee nih, tapi blum sempet euyyy...